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How to Set (and Keep!) Personal Boundaries - Camp Code #99

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How can you expect your team to have healthy boundaries if you don’t?

In this episode, our hosts Gabz, Ruby and Beth hone in on the B-word. Boundaries act as an internal guide between good vs evil or right vs wrong and can be felt as a knot in your stomach. Setting boundaries also allows you to define expectations with others while keeping your needs in check. For Gabz, boundaries are all about focusing on Angela Duckworth’s concept on Grit vs Grind. Grit can be seen as perseverance and Angela Duckworth has a great TED Talk that goes into more detail, and can be found here.

We can also all interpret the word boundaries to be slightly different from one another. For Beth find that the definition from Out of the Fog aligns with her thought process. That definition is that boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for themselve what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for people to act around them. We encourage you to listen to the great advice that our camp experts are sharing in this episode! 

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Best Practice for Leadership Training

From Gabrielle Raill

As a leader, it is extremely valuable for you to talk to your staff on day one about your own shortcomings. Talk about what you, as a director, need assistance with or something your struggle to work through. Explain WHY you have these shortcomings. Be honest, tell your staff that you are great with some things but at times, also need help with other things and empower your staff to support you throughout your own development.

Your Hosts:

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